Course Reopening

We hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to golf courses reopening on 29th March. Below are the dates we will be at the club doing membership renewals, please can we ask members to complete the forms before joining the queue this is to speed things up on the day. You will also need your bag tag and payment method if you are paying by card, cash or cheque. If you need to set up a new direct debit we will have forms to hand on the day, if you are already paying by direct debit and nothing has changed then there is no need to complete a new form.

Monday 29th – 9am-noon & 1.30pm-4pm
Tuesday 30th – 6pm-7.30pm – Drop forms off
Wednesday 31st – 9am-noon & 1.30pm-4pm

When entering the clubhouse face coverings should be worn and social distancing will apply. There will be a one way system in place, please join the queue entering via the golfers corridor into reception. You will exit out the top of reception by the 18th green. Please can we remind everyone not to congregate on the car park for a catch up as we need to stick to the guidelines we have been given by the government.

The online tee booking is now live, please note you will be unable to book a tee off after 31st March until your membership has been renewed. We ask all members to book a tee off before going out to play, this helps us with the track and trace as the clubhouse will remain closed.

Locker rooms – These will remain closed at present, but members will be able to get their stuff out on the dates above.

Click here for a reminder on how to use the online tee booking system in case you have forgotten, if anyone is struggling please email and someone will be able to help you.

You would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again for your continued support and we really can’t wait to see you all back playing on the course.