This is a dedicated page providing information about the reopening of the course during the easing of Covid-19 lockdown rules.
Please keep checking back to this page for further information.
IMPORTANT – Please note that the members website (to read meeting minutes, etc.) is a totally separate site to the online tee booking site which is
(If a list of clubs appears simply choose Whitehaven Golf Club from the list)
Following government advice, we are in a position that we can now reopen the golf course.
As the clubhouse is closed all tee bookings must be made online. We have added instructions for online tee booking. Click on the button at the bottom of the page.
We have now added the facility to allow guests to be paid for by card when a member adds them to their online tee booking.
While playing golf we ask for everyone to adhere to the 2-metre rule to prevent the spread of this horrible virus. We thank you all for your continued support and hope you agree the golf course is in great condition.
See below letter about Competitions.
Driving Range
We are pleased to let you all know that the driving range is now open. We have put measures in place to make it as safe as possible so please observe the signage and adhere to the following measures.
We now have a one way system in place, that is entry through the main door as usual, maintaining 2m from anyone in front of you. To exit, we have opened the roller shutter doors at the opposite end of the building, past the last Bay.
Please leave your baskets near the exit. These will be collected by a member of staff, cleaned down and returned to the main entrance.
A hand sanitiser is available for use as you enter the building along with a sanitising spray for ball baskets with paper roll.
50 balls £3.80
100 balls £6.60
Open 9am-8pm
Please have the correct coin amount as the dispensers do not give change.
For anyone who would like to top-up their range cards a member of staff will be available in the main club house building today and tomorrow (18th & 19th May) from 13:00 to 19:00.
Please note that top-ups will be completed using card only.
Please enter via the main building entrance and adhere to signage. Once finished at the reception desk please leave via the door towards the 18th hole.
If there any other queries please contact us by email
We are proactively looking at getting other facilities opened. However, please bear with us whilst we work to get these arranged safely.
Last updated 11:05am – 4th June, 2020